How long have you worked at Melcher & Prescott?
I’ve been here a little over a year.
What is one of your areas of expertise?
I work with a lot of condo and homeowner’s associations. We insure 300 associations–it’s a niche market.
What is one example of something people might not know about condo insurance coverage?
In condo living, one crucial aspect we clarify is the distinction between deductibles: per-unit deductible versus a master (or building-wide) deductible. Additionally, considerations like Directors and Officers coverage, which safeguards the board against any wrongful acts they might commit, should not be overlooked. We strongly recommend this coverage, as some may not realize the potential exposure they have.
What are your personal goals in working with current or prospective clients?
I hope that I've answered all their inquiries and left them feeling like they have a better knowledge of the products and services we provide
Anything else you want people to know about you?
I have been working in the Lakes Region for the past 10 years. I have a strong knowledge of the area and the draw that brings people here, especially in my department. I was born and raised in New Hampshire, and I enjoy everything New Hampshire offers–and I also have a 100-pound Bernese Mountain dog!
About Melcher & Prescott Insurance
Established in 1862 and headquartered in Laconia, NH, Melcher & Prescott Insurance is a full-service, independent insurance agency and brokerage company that specializes in business insurance, employee benefits, personal insurance, and risk management services. To learn more, visit melcher-prescott.com.